SRHR as Development Goal (VISION 2020)



  1. Establish by 2015 a new international development framework that includes sexual and reproductive health and rights as essential priorities

Visionary Development Goal on Sexual and Reproductive Health & Rights

Development policies and programmes aim to raise the quality of life for the citizens and welfare of the planet and aspire to eradicate poverty, through developing sustainable fair patterns of consumption and production, encouraging human resource development, and guaranteeing human rights. Integral to these goals are the development objectives of creating greater health equity, gender equality and socio-economic parity. The development goal on SRHR is inspired by and based on decades of commitment to the SRHR agenda by the women’s movement, the youth movement, the reproductive health community, the public health community and builds on the various milestones that have been achieved so far. These milestones include internationally agreed upon resolutions/conventions highlighting the importance of a human rights-based approach to population and development that embody government commitments to fulfilling the SRHR of women, young people and other marginalized population groups. Governments must be held accountable for progress (or the lack of it) toward meeting these commitments.

IPPF calls on governments to:

–          Adopt a participatory process for designing a new international development agenda based on principles of gender equality, respect for human rights, and social justice, in which all stakeholders, including young people can be heard;

–          Develop a unifying global framework that recognizes the needs of countries to establish relevant goals and indicators in respect of the needs of their citizens in general and their SRHR needs in particular;

–          Establish mechanisms for accountability and transparency regarding resource allocation and outcomes that include the participation of civil society.

–          Support civil society organizations to develop their own capacity to monitor the implementation of the commitments made.

Launched IPPFVision 2020 around the globe


29 April 2013

Around the globe Member Association staff, volunteers and clients rallied together to proudly announce the launch of the Vision 2020 manifesto to the public.

The creative ways in which member Associations promoted Vision 2020in their countries were powerfully engaging. Young people and adolescents drove the public activities and strongly support the plan.



